
Like many women I’ve always dreamed about having my own Walk-in Closet and that was a dream I knew it was very hard or even impossible to achieve…

I managed with my small bedroom closets over the years but because we’ve moved around so much I never really had my clothes organized or even knew were everything was! That was until we bought our new home and my husband promised to keep one of the bedrooms for my future closet! I was so excited!

When I started looking into stores like Sharps and Hammonds and even John Lewis that make made to measure Closets the prices were so high, the proccess so long and the reviews a little bit unsure that I actually believed that my walk-in closet was never going to happen…

After a few months of relentless browse over the internet and, to be honest, a lot of frustration we finally stumbled upon the Ikea online store and found out that we could do a personalized walk-in wardrobe with them. We looked into it and at the section ‘Pax System’ we found the ‘Pax Planner’ that allowed us to create our own wardrobe and customize everything we wanted.

From wood colour, to style, dimensions, how many shelves and drawers we wanted, lighting, door handles and so on. It even had interior organizers and accessories for every part of our wardrobe.

It was an easy decision: we chose everything we wanted after I carefully counted every single piece of clothing, shoes, bags and accessories I owned and decided where every single thing was going to be. It was a long proccess but very worth it!

Como muitas mulheres eu sempre tive o sonho de ter o meu proprio Walk-in Closet e este era um sonho que eu achava muito dificil de concretizar ou mesmo impossivel…

Ao longo dos ano sempre me arranjei com os armarios pequenos de quarto mas nos mudamos tantas vezes de casa que eu nunca consegui ter as minhas roupas organizadas ou sequer saber exactamente onde tudo estava! Isto foi ate nos termos comprado a nossa nova casa e o meu marido me ter prometido guardar um dos quartos para vir a ser o meu novo Walk-in Closet! Fiquei tao contente!

Comecei por dar uma vista de olhos em lojas como a Sharps, a Hammonds e ate a John Lewis que fazem Closets por medida e conclui que os precos eram muito altos, o processo super longo e as reviews nao eram conclusivas o que me fez pensar que o meu novo Closet nunca iria acontecer…

Depois de alguns meses de procura exaustiva na internet e, para dizer a verdade, muita frustraccao finalmente tropecamos no site Ikea e descobrimos que podiamos fazer o nosso Closet personalizado com eles. Depois de muito procurar descobrimos a seccao ‘Pax System’ e a pagina ‘Pax Planner’ que nos permitia criar o nosso proprio Closet personalizado.

Podiamos escolher desde a cor da madeira dos armarios, o estilo, dimensoes, quantas prateleiras cada armario iria ter, quantas gavetas, luzes interiores, as proprias macanetas das portas dos armarios e muito mais. Ate possuia organizadores internos para gavetas e accessorios para cada parte do nosso closet.

Foi uma decisao facil: escolhemos tudo o que queriamos e com cuidado contei cada peca de roupa, sapatos malas e accessorios que possuia para garantir que cada peca iria ter o seu lugar. Foi um longo processo mas valeu a pena!


After ordering every single part of my Closet we decided we were going to build it ourselves and save money although we could always pay for Ikea to come and do it for us. It was definetely a two person job and it took us a while to organize every single part and make sure everything was there.

Depois de encomendar todas as pecas que faziam parte dos armarios do meu Closet nos decidimos que o iriamos montar e poupar dinheiro apesar da Ikea possuir o servico de montagem ao domicilio. Foi um trabalho para duas pessoas e demoramos um bocado a organizar e garantir que tinhamos recebido tudo o que era preciso.


It took us around 2 weeks to complete the Closet although we only worked a few hours a day on it because we were both working at the time. Our guess is that it would have taken 3 or 4 full days to do it or even less if we had more help.

Levou-nos por volta das 2 semanas a completar o Closet mas trabalhamos nele apenas algumas horas de cada dia poque estavamos ambos a trabalhar na altura. Pensamos que poderia levar 3 ou 4 dias completos para o construir ou menos ainda com ajuda.


I chose dark furniture for my Closet because I think it matches my darker clothes more and also because it looks so chic! I could also have chosen white or even brown. The little holes on the sides of the wardrobes are there to adjust or change the height of the shelves and drawers but are easily hidden with stickers.

Escolhi mobilia escura porque acho que combina melhor com a minha roupa escura e tambem porque acho que fica muito chic! Tambem poderia ter escolhido branco ou mesmo castanho. Os pequenos buracos nos lados dos armarios estao la para ajustar ou mudar a altura das prateleiras mas podem ser facilmente disfarcados com autocolantes.


Besides ordering the wardrobes and it’s accessories from Ikea I also purchased other accessories for my Walk-in Closet like this pink glittery rug, a velvet pink pouffe, a romantic chandelier, a full lenght mirror and a mirrored tray. The soft pink colour matches the dark brown perfectly and the chandelier gives a romantic and classic vibe to the room.

Alem de encomendar os armarios e os seus accessorios na loja Ikea eu tambem comprei outros accessorios para o meu Walk-in Closet como este tapete em rosa com brilhos, um pouffe cor-de-rosa, um candelabro romantico, um espelho de corpo inteiro e uma bandeja espelhada. A cor rosa suave combina na perfeicao com o castanho escuro dos armarios e o candelabro atribui um ar romantico e classico ao quarto.


This is my complete closet but if you want to see a full video about it go to my IGTV on Instagram and check it out: there are 3 videos there with details. Also, below the list of stores where I bought everything!

IKEA Furniture / Armarios





( Pouffe, Tapete, Candelabro)



Mirrored Tray

(espelho, bandeja espelhada)